IPECA elections. I have received the voting elements: from March 21st to April 9th, I vote CFE-CGC! How to vote? The CFE-CGC commitments in video. Your CFE-CGC Airbus Aircraft candidates. I click on the poster: I haven’t received or I’ve lost my codes : I go to https://ipeca.simplivote.fr/ I click on “Vous avez perdu vos codes” I receive my new ID and …
On Monday March 17th, at the second negotiation meeting and following the CFE-CGC’s demands, Airbus Aircraft’s Management proposed a change in salary policy… Click for more:
On a daily basis, your CFE-CGC representatives provide you with information and support you in your health/providence processes with IPECA. Click for more :
Success sharing 2024 – 3124€ This Thursday, March 6th, following Airbus European Committee (SEWC), Airbus Aircraft UES Management convened the success sharing committee. The payment will be made in June on payroll and/or transfer to the chosen scheme. Click for more :
2024/2025 Salary policy transparency – Airbus Aircraft
On Monday March 3rd, Airbus Management presented the results of the salary policy application for the July 2024/June 2025 financial year to the representative trade unions. Click for more :
On the sidelines of the announcement of the 2024 results, Airbus Group validated the ESOP 2025 operation. As in 2024, 3.5 million shares will be distributed, delivered on April 1st. The CFE-CGC was heard: compared to 2024, terms and conditions are changing or clarified. Creation of new lots, for a more linear offer, New payment …
You have questions about your rights, your possible choices regarding your retirement ? The CFE-CGC is by your side, well in advance of this deadline, to advise you on actions in line with your objectives. Cliquez sur l’image pour en savoir plus :
For your health, Think CFE-CGC Between March 21st and April 9th 2025 you are invited to elect your representatives at IPECA’s general assembly Click for more :
In order for you to benefit from a higher quality of service, IPECA is offering you access since January 1st 2025 to the Kalixia healthcare network. Click on the picture :
Last June, following the announcement made to the markets concerning the rescheduling of deliveries at Commercial Aircraft, management launched the LEAD! programme. But what has really happened over the last 6 months in terms of measures to improve efficiency? Click for more :
F11 to H15 On January 4th 2025 the 2024 target review campaign for the F11 to H15 “Cadre” bonus started. This new campaign reveals changes for certain clusters… Click for more:
Rappel AISC : Le Salon des Voyages commence aujourd’hui !
sous le chapiteau de l’AISC pour une nouvelle édition du Salon des Voyages. Un rendez-vous à ne pas manquer pour préparer vos prochaines vacances, grâce aux remises exceptionnelles proposées par l’ensemble des partenaires présents. Venez aussi profiter de 2 jours de festivités avec des spectacles, des animations pour les enfants le mercredi et une …
Mid-July, following the initial announcements by Christian Scherer, CEO of Airbus Commercial Aircraft, of the forthcoming launch of a performance improvement plan, the CFE-CGC informed you of its position on the « LEAD! » project. Insisting on the need to maintain an effective social dialogue, the CFE-CGC had asked for a precise breakdown of the main thrusts of this project …
Over this latest negotiation meeting, Airbus Management responded to the demands made at the previous session. The CFE-CGC welcomes the progress made, but considers that some of the measures proposed are not yet in line with the Group’s stated ambition to be a pioneer in decarbonization. Click for more :
On Thursday March 28th, Airbus Aircraft Management brought together the Representative Trade Unions (CFE-CGC, FO, CFTC, CFDT) to present its vision for the 2024-2025 Salary Policy. Click to the picture:
On Tuesday March 13th, Airbus Management presented the results of the July 2023 to June 2024 salary policy exercise application to the Commercial Aircraft UES representative trade unions. Click to the Picture for more information :
On Friday March 8th 2024, Airbus Management met with the trade unions for a 3rd meeting to negotiate the salary policy at Group level in France. Click to the picture:
Airbus Management met with the representative trade unions on February 19th to open negotiations on the salary policy for the period July 2024-June 2025. Click to the picture :
In the frame of the RELOAD project, negotiations on the Time Saving Account & End-of-Career arrangements have defined various provisions, some of which extend beyond the employee’s retirement date: Click to the picture:
The agreement relating to the new social status of Airbus Group employees (work duration, holidays, compensation, CET, end of career) has applied since January 1st 2024. But the RELOAD project includes other chapters, the terms of which must be negotiated or amended in 2024: Click to the Picture :
On Décembre 13th 2023 the 8th follow-up joint committee of the Group Agreement was held on the Metallurgy classification implementation within the Airbus Group in France. Click for more information :
After a 3-week election cycle, the results for the Airbus Group in France (ADS – AH – Airbus SAS – Airbus Operations – Airbus Atlantique – ATR, etc…) were officially announced on Monday November 27th 2023. click to the picture :
Cliquez sur l’image : En pratique : Le vote se déroule de mardi 8h à jeudi 17h. Vous avez reçu un courrier avec votre identifiant. Par sécurité, notez-le précieusement ou prenez-le en photo pour en disposer à coup sûr pendant le scrutin. Si vous n’avez pas reçu le courrier, rendez-vous sur le site de vote https://www.airbus.webvote.fr/ et cliquez sur « je n’ai pas mon …
Ce midi, dans les restaurants d’entreprise, vos représentants CFE-CGC ont distribué un mémo sous forme de triptyque à poser sur votre bureau. Vous aurez ainsi à portée de main des informations pratiques sur : – l’alimentation et l’utilisation des CET Court Terme et Long Terme, – les nouveaux droits à congés (congés payés, forfait absence …
Élections Professionnelles 2023 Préparez-vous ! 2023 Professional Elections Get Ready! Les 21, 22 et 23 novembre auront lieu les élections professionnelles de votre établissement sous forme de vote électronique. Vous pourrez voter sur le support de votre choix : ordinateurs, smartphones ou tablettes. Next November 21st, 22nd & 23rd the professional elections of your establishment …
During the Establishment Social & Economic Committee that was held on July 4th 2023, an opinion was given on the 2022 Health & Prevention service report. Please find below the declaration of the CFE-CGC:
On 13 June 2023, the 6th monitoring committee for the Group agreement on the implementation of the metallurgy classification within the Airbus Group in France was held. Click on the picture :
The CFE-CGC has been supporting the Working Parties sector for better recognition of their specific jobs with adequate level of benefits due to constraining working conditions for a long time now. To that effect, the CFE-CGC was proactive in the negotiation and deployment of the Agreement for “working parties, technical assistance and trials” signed on …
Our CFE-CGC section offers you all its communications translated in English as well as an international hub. Vous êtes plus à l’aise en anglais ? Notre section CFE-CGC vous propose toutes ses communications traduites en anglais ainsi qu’un hub international. Click on the picture to find out more: Cliquez sur l’image pour en savoir plus …
Our elected representatives of the Occupational Health & Safety Committee (CSSCT) demonstrate an ongoing commitment to all the employees. Click on the picture:
The Holidays-Leisure Committee and your CFE-CGC elected representatives planned long distance stays and numerous weekends in France & Europe, here is what’s in store for the group travel schedule for the second half of 2023! Click on the picture to discover the Planning: The planned departure date is listed, for each stay, as well as …
An employee wishing to reduce his or her activity rate may request* a part-time arrangement (management in hours) or a reduced daily rate (in the case of a 214 daily rate) Click on the picture :
to inform it of the terms and conditions for calculating the bonus for the year 2022. The average amount of the Profit Sharing bonus will be €2982.08 Click on the picture for more details:
with a picture of what is existing. During the meeting on 7th nov, the Airbus Management presented their first proposals… Click on the picture to open :
The topic Classification affects all employees in a mandatory way as a direct consequence of the newly signed “Convention de la Métallurgie”. The CFE-CGC was a key stakeholder at sector level (Métallurgie) and carries on with taking its responsibilities at Airbus group level. Here below, you will find the latest status for the deployment of …
Click on the picture to open : If you wish to receive the next ones directly by email, please send an email to our International focal point: Elodie Oriol so she can add you to the dedicated International distribution list.